Public Relations – Points for Success

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Public Relations – Points for Success

Public Relations - 12 Points for SuccessBe unique, be first or be exceptional with the products/services you provide, your branding, the audience you serve. Align with celebrities or top newsmakers. BE the expert by providing new information, great solutions, and fresh insights. Create products that solve problems in a new way. Plan them this way when designing them. Here are just a few.

1. How do I earn the trust of my customers & clients?

Deliver on promises, be consistent with your message, brand and products. Take responsibility for your actions. Allow people to get to know you and to experience your values in action, through social media posts & live interaction.

2. How can I stimulate consistent business growth?

Be consistent with your PR, marketing and sales efforts. You need all three, working together.

3. What are some ways I can get to know my customers better?

Survey them, using tools like Survey Monkey. Ask if you can interview some of them by phone. Follow your customers on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Join forums where they may share info.

4. How can I carve out a niche market?

Think like a member of your niche market. Think about the problems you’d want to solve as such. Think about the search terms you would use to find what you’re looking for. Do a Google search with those search terms. You’ll find forums, articles, etc. that will lead you to your audience. Try groups on LinkedIn and FB.

5. How can I tell when to hire someone or to learn how to do something new by myself?

Consider how much time you have to take on this new task/role & whether or not your expertise is needed. If you can hire someone else to do it & free yourself up for higher-level business building activities, hire someone. If you’re going to be miserable taking on this new task, hire it out. Don’t drain your energy.

Want to know more of the Points for Success in Public Relations? Contact Building Bridges for Business today!