Online Learning and Certifications – Starting a Business, Non Profit, and Many More
Advantages Of Online Learning It’s the time of year when people look back on 2018 and begin planning their training needs for 2019. To any business, knowledge is its greatest asset and the biggest key to achieving business goals. How can you better prepare your teams to perform in a highly competitive environment? Through training. During our in person events, we often hear questions about how to start a business, should I start a non-profit, do you know a good CPA, who is good at raising funds? In 2019, we are committed to providing you with online resources. We reviewed many online learning platforms, took the courses ourselves and are now offering online courses. Check out our on-line course tab on our website. All courses… • are designed for a wide array of learners • combine interactive exercises, videos, and real-world examples or case studies • provides access to an expert in a related field who will answer your questions within 24-hours—through “Ask the Expert” feature • have been approved for CFRE and/or CEU credits among others • are available 24/7 via the Mobile app What are the top 5 benefits of on-line learning? 1. You can learn whatever you want! With online education, you can take any program or course present in traditional four-year universities. For example, let’s say you’re mostly interested in starting a non profit or growing your for – profit business. All it takes is a Google search for such online course, and you’ll easily find the online programs offered by some of the most prestigious universities from all around the world. The great variety of online programs and courses is a huge advantage of this type of education. It doesn’t matter where you live and what you want to study – you can always find a suitable course or even a degree program that you can follow from home. 2. Comfort. Forget about attending classes for hours, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, and suffering from back pain by the end of the day. You will not be bound to physical class session when you opt for online education. All lectures and needed materials are provided via online platforms, so you’ll easily access them from the comfort of your home. 3. Online courses look great on a resume. It doesn’t matter where your career stands at this moment; an online program will always look good on your resume. It will show potential employers that you’re committed to learning and you’re eager to obtain more knowledge and new skills. 4. Self-paced...
Building Bridges Announces UcanB Program exceeds Career Education and Work Standards
Building Bridges Announces UcanB Program exceeds Career Education and Work Standards Building Bridges for Business’ Education Department provides career education and job placement to thousands of Western Pennsylvania’s middle and high school students via its UcanB Program. UcanB began this programming with 1 school (Keystone Oaks High School) and 20 students in 2013. The program now partners with 30 school districts and thousands of students who rely heavily on the services, resources and education provided by UcanB. This project and partnerships with many local foundations and companies allow 6th – 12th grade students to see what life is like after high school or college. UcanB’s provision of these services is critical to student development and the needs of every school district in the State of Pennsylvania. In 2017, Pennsylvania’s Department of Education instituted its Career Education and Workplace (CEW) Standards, which require all school districts to provide education in the areas of career awareness, career exploration and job readiness. Pennsylvania school districts now must document and report CEW Standards classroom activities for all 5th, 8th and 11th grade students. UcanB makes this easy for its educational partners because this is exactly the type of career education the UcanB Program has been providing for four years. Schools across the region call UcanB team members to be able to meet and exceed these standards. For example, all of UcanB’s 8th grade students receive digital career portfolio’s that are developed with the guidance of a UcanB instructor and a classroom teacher designated by the individual school. The portfolios house all student documents related to career education such as Copies of Career Assessments, Documentation of Career Research, Resumes, Letter of Reference, Test Scores & Grades, Extra Curricular Activities and a College Tracker list, that allows students to follow colleges and universities for info, open house announcements and scholarship opportunities. At the time of audit, school teachers and administrators can go directly to student’s portfolios and download all documents that demonstrate CEW Standards have been met. The Pittsburgh Community has rallied around the UcanB Career Education Program in support of this effort. A vast array of organizations and individuals contribute to help educate youth in Western Pennsylvania. More than 50 local groups participate in Opportunity Fairs hosted by UcanB students and parents and guardians. This allows UcanB the opportunity to expose students to a multitude of career paths and job opportunities. Students also meet with a diverse group of businesses representing government, retail, IT, entrepreneurship, military, media, advanced manufacturing and more! This provides realistic exposure to high-demand career paths, opportunities for mentorship and a ‘live’, active learning environment which immerses students in the study of career...
UcanB – 8th Grade – Highlight
Students begin 8th grade as children and leave 8th grade as young adults. Eighth grade tends to be an odd and often awkward school year for most young people. Social pressure sets in as kids really try to figure out who they are and who they want to be. Many 8th grade students make decisions about the extracurricular activities they will carry on in high school while others continue to dabble in a variety of options trying to make up their minds. It is a transition year full of self-exploration and choice. By the end of the school year, 8th grade students are asked to select their high school courses in accordance to their career interests while many have not thought that far ahead. (Post by Scott Albert, Vice President – UcanB Career Education) Eight graders who participate in Pittsburgh’s #UcanB Career Education Program receive guidance, resources and mentors to augment their Career Education. At Shaler Area Middle School, just north of Pittsburgh, 8th grade students meet every Monday with a #UcanB instructor. The #UcanB instructor guides Shaler’s 8th graders through a series of career assessments and discussions related to work, college, military or apprenticeship. All students leave the #UcanB program with a digital career portfolio, which they can continue to use throughout high school. At Hopewell Junior High, another Pittsburgh-area school, 8th graders also develop a digital career portfolio with #UcanB, but their program is supplemented with a series of guest speakers as well. Professionals from the US District Court, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Penn State University and Natural Capitalism Solutions have visited Hopewell’s 8th grade classes to discuss various career paths, green technologies, STEM degrees and the importance of safe social media. Pittsburgh Public Schools also participates in the #UcanB Career Education Program. For example, 8th grade students at Pittsburgh Classical Academy (PCA) participate in a version of #UcanB that is very similar to Shaler’s #UcanB class. PCA’s 8th graders spend every other Friday in a computer lab with their #UcanB instructor. The students complete a battery of O*Net career assessments and use the results of these assessments in the development of their digital career portfolios. These are three examples of over thirty Pennsylvania school districts that have adopted a version of #UcanB. As Pennsylvania’s requirements for Career Education and Work Standards (CEW) have recently changed, school districts find great value in their partnerships with #UcanB. The 8th grade classes are of particular importance. The #UcanB Program assists 8th graders with their transitions from middle to high school; #UcanB also assures that school districts meet the newly adopted CEW goals and outcomes. Every 8th grade #UcanB student completes the #UcanB Program with a Digital Career Portfolio, a Basic Resume, a Complete O*Net Career Assessment & Profile and Documented Participation Career-related Classroom Presentations, which are conducted by outside professionals. Some 14 year olds leave the 8th grade with very definite decisions and a game-plan for high school. Others are continuing to explore options. The #UcanB Program meets these young people where they are. The resources provided via #UcanB help some of these young adults to advance their plan while the same resources help other 8th grade students to continue exploration. While #UcanB serves many students in grades 6-12, the #UcanB organization is particularly proud of its work with 8th grade students. It is for this reason that #UcanB provides year-round career education to students in this age group. For more information about the #UcanB Career Education Program, contact Scott Albert at...
May is Careers Month for UcanB
Career education has been provided by UcanB for several years – inschool – after school and in summer programs. May is Careers Month for #UcanB Students. Below is a list of upcoming events. Career Weeks, Careers Days and Career Month !! May 7-10 is Career Week @ Sto-Rox High School. Mini Career Fairs will take place everyday in the school cafeteria from 11:00-12:30. Employers & schools will have tables set up. May 14-18 is Career Week @ Hopewell Junior High. In-class presentations every morning from 8:55-10:30. Speakers will present to back-to-back groups of 8th graders. May 21 is Career Day at CAPA. Seeking presenters to discuss Artistic Careers. May 23 is the Career Fair at Carlynton High School. Throughout the day in the school’s gym. May 30 is the Career Fair and Cookout at Clayton High in the North Side. Fair is from 10-12…cookout immediately after. May 30 we will also have #UcanB speakers at Career Day at Environmental Charter School. Each school will share careers and also soft skill education for students provided by UcanB. The summary findings for the Allegheny Conference /US Chamber of Commerce report: Recent college graduates and employers agree that soft skills are important for workplace success. There is a gap between how prepared recent college graduates think they are, and how prepared employers find them to be. Recent college graduates and employers differ on which soft skills are most important. Recent college graduates and employers differ greatly on which soft skills merit training. Recent college graduates and employers agree that a certificate course in soft skills training would be beneficial for college...
UcanB Education and Workforce -2018
Building Bridges for Business’ Education Department provides career education and job placement to thousands of Western Pennsylvania’s middle and high school students via its #UcanB Program. The organization’s Workforce Development Department coordinates and/or participates in a number of community events designed to advance the careers of working adults throughout the region. The Pittsburgh Community has rallied around the #UcanB Career Education Program. A vast array of organizations and individuals contributed time and resources to help educate youth in Western Pennsylvania. More than 50 guest speakers from more than 50 local organizations and businesses visited #UcanB classrooms thus far in 2018, participated in #UcanB events and hosted #UcanB students for tours. This allowed #UcanB the opportunity to expose students to a multitude of career paths and job opportunities. Students met with a diverse group of businesses representing government, retail, IT, entrepreneurship, military, media, advanced manufacturing and more! In addition, the Workforce Development Department received similar support in its efforts to provided services to working-aged adults. Businesses and individuals from Erie, Pa all the way to Charleston, WV contributed to this portion of Building Bridges’ mission. Building Bridges’ Career Fairs were fully booked within 24 hours. Over 1,500 adults received direct services through the Workforce Development Department even though the organization does not have a specific budget dedicated for these...
Job Fair with U.S. Probation Helped Hundreds
On Thursday, March 15, with Rep. Dan Deasy and in partnership with Building Bridges for Business and U.S. Probation & Pre Trial Services, Senator Fontana hosted a Job Fair for interested job seekers. The Job Fair was held in the Social Hall at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, located at 1810 Belasco Avenue in Beechview. The Job Fair featured local companies looking to fill positions now. There were also representatives who talked about apprenticeships and other technical training programs to help individuals gain information on acquiring new skills to become gainfully employed. Many job seekers face barriers to employment like issues related to a past criminal record, a suspended driver’s license, lack of high school diploma or necessary job skills. The Job Fair included three breakout sessions that address these barriers. From 4:30-5 p.m., attendees can join a breakout session to learn more about the driver’s license restoration process. From 5:30-6 p.m., a session on pardons and record expungement will take place. Anyone wishing to learn more about improving job skills and short-term training programs can attend the session from 6:30-7 p.m. Hundreds of community members attended this...