Online brand

Do online videos help my business ?

»Posted by on Jul 14, 2015 in Business Goals, Business Technology, Distribution, Maverick Visuals, New Media, Online brand, Online Videos, Video reach, Videos | Comments Off on Do online videos help my business ?

Do Videos Help Grow my Business? Five things to remember when considering online videos to brand and market your image, products or services: The digital age makes a TV quality video possible without the extraordinary investment in infrastructure such as large crews, lighting trucks and so on. It’s a simpler and more direct process that can achieve high definition and very polished and professional results simply by sharing your information and goals with the right people. Buy the people, not the equipment… The bill for production and post-production can be sizable and the results may not produce any greater return (and may prove off-putting). Your director, editor and crew who will work with you on a one-on-one basis and steer you through the process of incorporating your sales pitch and brand with an image and tone that supports those elements is key. Hire technically qualified and experienced people. Online video triggers the emotional centers of the brain… and elicits action from the viewer at a far, far greater ratio than printed matter or audio. Your short and efficient branding video can enjoy a life on social media networks, email and your website that outlasts the capacity and range of impact from any print or radio or static image collateral piece. Plus, it’s “greener” by far. You are your online image in today’s marketplace. .. be sure your still photography is updated regularly and that you have or plan to initiate an online video your site and in your marketing and sales planning, as a static website is out of step with your consumers and will not compete with the multiple moving images they process and to which they respond on daily, and hourly basis. By placing video on your website, you can increase your search engine optimization by 53 times! It’s that simple… and that important. Your video company should be a comfortable and integral extension of your marketing strategies and will be invested in moving your brand forward. You should be looking for a company and crew you are excited to work with again. Let every detail to your professional video company… if you feel you cannot after interviewing them and viewing their prior work , move on. Share examples of video work you like and be sure the company has the capacity and talent to produce it. Obtain a firm quote, signed contract and guarantee on delivery and distribution of your final product. Without those commitments, your enterprise can be delayed or your campaign compromised. You may even have the video you desire, but be lost to incorporate if effectively and maximize your return on investment. A very simple, commercial quality video, or video advertising element, can be produced for less than $5,000, depending on the length, degree of sophistication, necessary equipment, voice over and specialized editing requirements. In many cases, much...

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Pinterest for B2B

»Posted by on Mar 10, 2015 in Business Goals, Business Technology, Online brand, Online Content Management | Comments Off on Pinterest for B2B

How to Leverage Pinterest for B2B Pinterest is a visual social media platform. You can find the latest and greatest wedding ideas and recipes. You can search decorating tips, up-to-date fashion and vacation spots. Not to mention hair-dos. But if you are a B2B company, how do you leverage Pinterest to your advantage? Start by creating a business account. This will give you tips on how to succeed with Pinterest. It will also give you a board widget, follow button and Pin It button for you to use on your blog or website. Design an infographic. They are very popular on Pinterest. Design one with any relevant company information you might have. The more information you can add, the better chance someone will repin it. Make sure you have a link back to your company website on your infographic. Have a “People” board showing those who work at your company. Start with a headshot and description of the person. You can add photos of those people at company functions or community events. Any type of community involvement will show how your company impacts the community. If you have a blog, make sure you post to Pinterest as well as Facebook. Add graphics that connect to your blog information so those viewing Pinterest will be interested in clicking on the picture to see what else in included. Are you a service provider? Why not have a “Testimonials” board. If you have satisfied clients, they will gladly provide you with a picture of themselves to include with a testimonial about your services. Keep in mind that Pinterest is social media. The main goal of social media is to build relationships. As a B2B you don’t want to sell on Pinterest, you want to get your company in front of as many people, or other businesses, as possible. You need to find a way to put your company out there so others will have interest in finding out more about it. Hopefully these suggestions will get you started. Happy Pinning! Pinterest is a visual social media platform. You can find the latest and greatest wedding ideas and recipes. You can search decorating tips, up-to-date fashion and vacation spots. Not to mention hair-dos. But if you are a B2B company, how do you leverage Pinterest to your advantage? Start by creating a business account. This will give you tips on how to succeed with Pinterest. It will also give you a board widget, follow button and Pin It button for you to use on your blog or website. Design an infographic. They are very popular on Pinterest. Design one with any relevant company information you might have. The more information you can add, the better chance someone will repin it. Make sure you have a link back to your company website on your infographic. Have a “People” board showing those who work at your company. Start with a headshot and description of the person. You can add photos of those people at company functions or community events. Any type of community involvement will show how your company impacts the community. If you have a blog, make sure you post to Pinterest as well as Facebook. Add graphics that connect to your blog information so those viewing Pinterest will be interested in clicking on the picture to see what else in included. Are you a service provider? Why not have a “Testimonials” board. If you have satisfied clients, they will gladly provide you with a picture of themselves to include with a testimonial about your services. Keep in mind that Pinterest is social media. The main goal of social media is to build relationships. As a B2B you don’t want to sell on Pinterest, you want to get your company in front of as many people, or other businesses, as possible. You need to find a way to put your company out there so others will have interest in finding out more about it. Hopefully these suggestions will get you started. Happy...

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Business Goals – Immediate Impact

»Posted by on Jan 20, 2015 in Business Goals, Business Plan, Business Technology, Hiring Needs, Online brand | Comments Off on Business Goals – Immediate Impact

If you haven’t already set your 2015 business goals, here is a quick check list for you. Here are the top 5 you should look at for immediate impact. 1. Set Your Business Goals Set your business goals for the next 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. Be specific, and determine what you see as success. Measure results and track everything on a monthly or quarterly basis. 2. Revisit Your Business Plan If it has been a while since you examined your plan, now’s the time to get to it. There are many great free plan sources for online preparation. One to take a look at to develop one online for free. 3. Consider Your Hiring Needs If your business is getting increasingly too busy for you to run with a small crew, start planning your hiring strategy for 2015. Consider interns, temps, freelancers, virtual assistants, and part-timers as alternatives to full-time employees if your budget is tight. 4. Invest in Technology Take a look at computer or software purchases. Determine a leader in your field and see what technical resources they are using. There are great programs out there. We even found one that uses AI to send emails and do all the follow-up to set appointments saving us tons of time. 5. Reassess Your Online Brand Take a look at online branding and marketing experts. Many offer low cost webinars that may be just the thing for an online re-boot. What worked for you in terms of marketing this year? This is a great time to adjust your online strategy so that you identify the tools that helped your business grow, and cut back on those that...

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